Vision and Mission


We want San Sebastian College-Recoletos Manila to be a leading dynamic Catholic Christian educational institution whose graduates are intellectually and globally competitive individuals imbued with Agustinian Recollect values.


We commit to provide quality Catholic Christian education for the holistic formation of every person to become socially responsible, morally upright, academically and technologically competent leaders and professionals ready to meet the needs and demands of the local and global communities.



1. Provide curricula that nurtures a learning environment of scholarly interaction between faculty and students and within which Sebastinian values will grow;

2. Apply research to discover wisdom for raising the quality of community life;

3. Sharpen decisions making skills of, and develop positive mental attitudes in, students; drawn from the use opf e-learning tools, the exposure to existing professional practices and emerging industry trends, and the integration of ethical values; and

4. Support innovative, holistic, and value-based approaches for addressing economic and social concerns of the community, the nation, and the world.