FMPA 301 – Public Finance and Corporate Management
This subject deals on how government financial institutions and its management are governed and work. It also includes, among others, some principles on financial management and other practices in management applicable to government funded or government owned / controlled corporations.
FMPA 302 – Legal Environment in Public Administration
This subject deals on legal aspects affecting the existence of government organizations and controlled corporations. It includes contemporary problems and issues in the area of public administration.
FMPA 303 – Local Government Administration
This subject deals on how local government units are managed, run, as well as organized. It also includes a study on the type of management practices, its governance / administration.
FMPA 304 – Current Issues and Problems in Public Administration
This subject deals on contemporary issues, problems affecting government agencies as well as government controlled corporations. Also, the subject includes solutions to problems in government agencies and procedures which will help government avoid problems and public criticisms.