(12 Units Required)
MAN 501 (Philosophy of Management)
This course provides research training in applied aspects of management. The program consists of a substantial thesis in a topic from any area of business management, cross-cultural management, diversity management, general management, human resource development, human resource management, international management, organizational behavior, organizational theory, performance management and strategic management.
MAN 502 (Quantitative Approaches to Management)
This course develops an appreciation of the management science approach to problem formulation and solution that is now so important in today’s business and industrial sectors. The course focuses on quantitative approaches to management and introduces you to a variety of management science models, methods, and procedures. In this course, a greater emphasis is placed on problem modelling and the interpretation of results, and less emphasis is given to mathematical techniques and solution algorithms.
MAN 503 (Advance Research Methods)
This course is concerned with the design, collection, and analysis of business-related information using various applied research methods, particularly survey research, action research, and case study. The course delves into measurement concepts, such as scaling, attitude measurement, and questionnaire design. It also focuses on the appropriate mixed methods of data collection, alternative measurement approaches, and commonly utilized parametric and non-parametric statistical tools. At the end of the course, the students will prepare and defend a thesis proposal.
MAN 504 (Principles of Ethics in Management)
This course provides opportunities for the analysis and synthesis of the role of ethics in the organization. Emphasis is placed on the way ethics affect thinking, relationship development, policy formation, and professional conduct in the workplace. Students develop the skills to understand and integrate constructive ethics into practices that support the success of the employee and the organization.
(Select six (6) subjects only)
MAN 510 (Comparative Management & Corporate Practices)
Examines and compares management practices of different types of organizations, across countries and cultures. The study of comparative management requires a basic understanding of organizational behavior in a highly competitive global marketplace. It considers management functions and manager skills, including similarities and differences between domestic and international management.
MAN 511 (Human Capital Management & Development)
Examines the role of human resource professionals, as strategic partners in managing today’s organization. Key functions such as recruitment, selection, development, appraisal, retention, compensation, and labor relations are examined. Implications of legal and global environments are appraised and current issues such as diversity training, sexual harassment policies, and rising benefit costs are analyzed. Best practices of employers of choice are considered.
MAN 512 (Legal Aspect of Labor Relations in Industry)
Examines the structures and the kinds of law governing employees’ civil rights, work relationship; legal aspects of hiring, firing, and negotiating procedures; mediation, control and resolution of conflict.
MAN 513 (Project Management & Evaluation)
Examines the organization, planning, and controlling of projects and provides practical knowledge on managing project scope, schedule and resources. Topics include project life cycle, work breakdown structure and Gantt charts, network diagrams, scheduling techniques, and resource allocation decisions. Concepts are applied through team projects and tutorials using project management software.
MAN 514 (Global Environment Scanning)
Environmental scanning is “the acquisition and use of information” about events, trends, and relationships in an organization’s external environment, the knowledge of which would assist management in planning the organization’s future course of action.
MAN 515 (International Management Consulting)
Management consulting is a growing and influential sector of the service industries sector. Provides overview of the management consulting industry and how consultants operate as public and private sector managers.
MAN 517 (International Marketing)
Examines the impact of economic, cultural, political, legal and other environmental factors that affect international marketing, and how to identify and analyze worldwide marketing opportunities, examine product, pricing, distribution and promotion strategies. Students are expected to read current periodicals and journals to keep abreast of current international developments.
MAN 518 (Policy Analysis & Strategy Development)
Deals with ways of thinking critically about policy, and provides historical as well as current examples which open up the “black box” of the State and question the statist approaches to foreign policy. It involves the analysis of the State, as a set of organizations and institutions, and its effect on foreign policy formulation.
MAN 519 (Management Accounting & International Finances)
Applies management accounting for internal reporting and decision-making, and introduces a business-management approach to the development and use of accounting information. Major topics include cost behavior, cost analysis, profit planning and control measures. Also includes accounting for decentralized operations, capital budgeting decisions, and ethical challenges in managerial accounting.
MAN 516 (Strategic Planning for Competitive Governance)
Examines the strategic management process, and discusses the implementation of successful business strategies, in today’s highly competitive and dynamic global environment. It assesses the impact of technology, government policy, and world economic and political forces on strategy formulation and execution. Analytical, integrative and decision making skills are stressed through the use of case analysis and projects.
(Select 4 subjects only)
IHM 530 Hospitality and Tourism Service Operations Analysis
IHM 531 Strategic Management for Hospitality and Tourism
IHM 532 Advanced International Food Production Management
IHM 533 Advanced Training and Development in Human Resources and Leadership in the Hospitality Industry
IHM 534 Hospitality and Tourism Entrepreneurship
IHM 535 Resort and Restaurant Development and Marketing
(Select 4 subjects only)
PE 530 Fundamentals of Political Economy
PE 531 Philosophy of Political Economy School of Thought
PE 532 International Political Economy
PE 533 Current Issues & Concerns in Political Economy
PE 534 Development Economics
PE 535 International Monetary Economics
(Select 4 subjects only)
BA 530 Introduction to Socio-Anthropology
BA 531 Fundamentals of Business Anthropology
BA 532 International Business and Economics
BA 533 World History
BA 534 Business History of Different Countries
BA 535 Current Trends, Concerns & Issues in International Market
(Select 4 subjects only)
HRDLR 530 Foundation of Human Resource Theory & Practice
HRDLR 531 Creating Adaptive, Innovative Workplaces
HRDLR 532 Labor Law
HRDLR 533 Crisis Management in Labor Disputes
HRDLR 534 Principles & Practices in Industrial Relations
HRDLR 535 Labor Unions in the Philippines
Written Case Analysis (100 points)
Written Examination on Area of Specialization (100 points)
This course prepares the student for dissertation proposal writing in management. Emphasis is given on key research concepts, such as the Historical and Theoretical Perspectives of the Study, Statement of the Problem, Significance of the Study, Scope and Delimitations of the Study, Research Paradigm, Definition of Terms, Review of Related Literature, Review of Related Studies, Research Design, Research Locale, Participants/Respondents of the Study, Research Procedure, Research Instrument, and Statistical Treatment/s, Bibliography, Appendices, and Timetable of Research.
This course is a sequel to DISSERTATION I, which shall guide the student to accomplish the following: Presentation of data in tables, figures, graphs, and results of statistical analysis; Discussion, analysis, and interpretation of tables and graphs; Comparison of the study’s findings with other related studies with proper citations; Summary of key findings which are presented following the order of the Statement-of-the-Problem’s specific questions; Conclusion/s coming from the results of the statistical analysis of data and the interpretation of said results; Recommendation/s based on the Conclusion/s .